Flint Hill Farm Educational Center
1922 Flint Hill Road, Coopersburg, PA 18036
Click on the map below for directions.
2024 Annual Spring Open House
Saturday, May 4 from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
$5.00 donation for parking
The 2023 Annual Spring Open House Schedule has been updated!
All-day activities include - Get your photo taken with our animals, Face Painting and temporary tattoos, Pony Rides, Petting Zoo, Food and drinks available for sale, Vendor tables, Tractor Rides, and Horseshoe Painting.
Tickets will be available for purchase in our farm store.
Opening ceremony and welcome!
Live Music by Van Wagner at 12 noon
Goat Milking demo with Leanne in the indoor arena
Gardening Chat with our Master Gardeners at our garden
Live Music by Dave Fry
Oxen demo in the indoor arena
Celtic Music
Horse demo with Andi in the indoor arena
Calves Showing with Kathy in the indoor arena
Closing ceremony
We hope to see you there!!
Activities Include:
Our favorite musicians, MUSIC WITH 99 STRINGS!!
Come meet Marble and our newest standardbred rescue horses!
Interact with our cows, goats, horses, pigs, chickens, ducks, and sheep.
Do a craft like a horseshoe painting to recycle our horseshoes for good luck.
Go on a woods walk tour or walk the trail to identify trees and shrubs found in our woodlands.
Sign up for a class: School Tours and In-Class STEM Curriculum, Carpentry Class, Cheesemaking.
Take a pony ride and receive a 15% discount on an introductory horseback riding lesson for any age (Not to be combined with other offers)
Visit our Food Stand for hot dogs, snacks, drinks, popcorn, and homemade ice cream! From our MOO to YOU!!
The Farm Store will be open for the purchase of smoothies, cow and goat cheeses, raw milk, and eggs. Call ahead for special orders. Order now for cheese and bread baskets or trays!